Monday, May 27, 2013

Will Russia Survive After Putin?

Russian President Vladimir Putin (RIA Novosti/Aleksey Nikolskyi)

Nobody Knows if Russia Can Survive After Putin -- Vladimir Frolov

There is one question many wanted to ask during President Vladimir Putin's latest call-in show but were too afraid: Is there a future for Russia after Putin?

This question is hanging awkwardly in the air as Putin consolidates his power after a brief interregnum of Dmitry Medvedev's presidency, which many mistook for an orderly transition to a post-Putin era.

For all its flaws, the Medvedev-Putin tandem was a political innovation to create a more pluralistic governing structure with power institutionally diffused.

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My Comment: My nationality is Russian .... and I am not a fan of Putin. But even I must recognize that a good majority in Russia strongly support him. Case in point .... my aunt. Before Putin her pension was intermediate, crime was rampant in her neighborhood, and her savings were obliterated in the financial chaos of the 1990s .... she survived through the help of family (including yours truly). Under Putin .... her pension is stable, she lives in a new apartment, and crime has all but disappeared. It does not take a rocket scientist on knowing who she wants for President .... and this is the political genius of Putin. He has used his political capital to help the millions of Russians who are like my aunt .... and trust me on this one .... they reward him handsomely at the ballot box.

Russia (of course) will survive after Putin. But the next leader .... if he is politically savvy .... will assure his position if he keeps the social programs that Putin has established untouched.

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