Thursday, June 20, 2013

Afghan Taliban Fighters In 'The Field' Are Not Interested In Peace Talks

Former Afghan Taliban members hand over their weapons after joining the government's reconciliation and reintegration program. The militant group and the U.S. will soon hold talks in Qatar aimed at ending the 12-year war in Afghanistan. (Mohmmad Shoib/Reuters)

Taliban Fighters Reject Afghanistan Talks -- The Telegraph

Taliban fighters on the frontline in Afghanistan say they have sacrificed too much to join peace negotiations and will continue their campaign of violence until American forces have left the country.

Analysts believe many of the older generation of commanders have been targeted by drones and special forces during the past 12 years of war, giving way to younger recruits with little memory of the Taliban government and still less interest in compromise.

The comments – collected from fighters in the southern and eastern areas of the country – underline the challenges faced by negotiators in Doha, where American and Qatari officials are trying to salvage a new round of talks.

And they underline the potential for splits within the Taliban movement in Afghanistan.

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My Comment: If true .... talk about a disconnect between fighters in the field and their commanders who are somewhere else.

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