Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Has The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court Been Compromised?

FBI Looks For Leaks At Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court -- Eli Lake, Daily Beast

Investigators still do not know if the FISA system has been compromised, or if Edward Snowden was the source of the Verizon warrant published by the ‘Guardian.’ Eli Lake reports.

The FBI is investigating whether the highly protected and segregated computer systems that store the secret court warrants authorizing electronic surveillance inside the United States have been breached, according to current and former U.S. intelligence officials. Thirteen days after the Guardian published a top-secret court order from the top-secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court disclosing the National Security Agency's collection of all phone records from Verizon's business customers over a three-month period, the U.S. intelligence community has yet to determine how the warrant, one of the most highly classified documents inside the U.S. government, was leaked.

Read more ....

My Comment: It looks like NSA leaker Edward Snowden is not alone. The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court order can be read here.

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