Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Has Recent NSA Leaks Help Al Qaeda?

Did NSA Leaks Help al Qaeda? -- Paul Cruickshank, CNN

Obama administration officials and congressional lawmakers over the past two weeks have condemned Edward Snowden for admittedly leaking classified information on national security surveillance programs.

Mike Rogers, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, spoke of "changes we can already see being made by the folks who wish to do us harm, and our allies harm."

He added the disclosures of surveillance programs may also "make it harder to track bad guys trying to harm U.S. citizens in the United States."

FBI Director Robert Mueller last week testified "these disclosures have caused significant harm to our nation and to our safety."

How should these claims be weighed?

Read more ....

My Comment: The more professional and experienced Al Qaeda members and groups know how effective the NSA can be .... even Bin Laden made the decision to stay off the grid because he felt confident that if he was on it .... even using encrypted technologies .... he would eventually be digitally-tracked down. If there is an impact, I would hazard a guess that it will be on the new comers and Al Qaeda wannabes who exchange and transmit their intentions openly and/or without precautions that will be impacted by these disclosures. They watch the news, and with recent revelations they may make the decision that social media and the web is not the ideal place for them to communicate with each other .... if at all .... hence they would probably look for alternatives. But what are the alternatives .... not much if you ask me.

Update: The 'Snowden Effect': U.S. spies say militants change tactics -- Reuters

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