Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Inside The NSA’s Soon To Be Built Utah Data Center

Inside The NSA’s Secret Utah Data Center -- FOX News

As Americans demand answers about the government's wholesale electronic snooping on its citizens, the primary snooper -- the National Security Agency (NSA) -- is building a monstrous digital datacenter in a remote corner of Utah capable of sorting through and storing every e-mail, voicemail, and social media communication it can get its hands on.

This top-secret data warehouse could hold as many as 1.25 million 4-terabyte hard drives, built into some 5,000 servers to store the trillions upon trillions of ones and zeroes that make up your digital fingerprint.

But that's just one way to catalog people, said Charles King, principal analyst at data center consulting firm Pund-IT

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More News On The NSA’s Utah Data Center

Behold the NSA’s Dark Star: the Utah Data Center -- Daily Beast
Amid Data Controversy, NSA Builds Its Biggest Data Farm -- NPR
New NSA data centers will store decades’ worth of electronic communication -- Triblive
Here's The $2 Billion Facility Where The NSA Will Store And Analyze Your Communications -- Business Insider

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