Iceland-Bound Jet For Edward Snowden 'Could Take Off Tomorrow' -- US News And World Report
Businessman says he has a Chinese jet on standby in case Icelandic government green-lights asylum.
An Icelandic businessman is offering to transport Edward Snowden to the island nation aboard a chartered jet if Iceland's government grants asylum to the man who exposed the National Security Agency's massive harvesting of Internet and phone records.
"Everything is ready on our side and the plane could take off tomorrow,'' DataCell executive Olafur Sigurvinsson told Iceland's Channel 2 television station, Agence France-Presse reports.
"We have really done all we can do. We have a plane and all the logistics in place. Now we are only awaiting a response from the [Icelandic] government," he said. "It would be stupid to come here only to be extradited to the United States. In that case he'd be better off where he is."
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My Comment: If Iceland is prepared to offer him asylum .... and there is a jet ready for him to leave .... he will be a fool to not take it. But who knows what is inside his mind .... he may also want to be arrested and rendered back to the U.S. for trial to make a point. Stay tune .... after today's leaks I cannot help but feel that this story has more legs than what was originally thought.
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