Sunday, June 9, 2013

NSA Surveillance Program Has Foiled Terror Plots

Photo: Najibullah Zazi. TopNews

U.S. NSA Internet Spying Foiled Plot To Attack New York Subways: Sources -- Reuters

(Reuters) - A secret U.S. intelligence program to collect emails that is at the heart of an uproar over government surveillance helped foil an Islamist militant plot to bomb the New York City subway system in 2009, U.S. government sources said on Friday.

The sources said Representative Mike Rogers, chairman of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, was talking about a plot hatched by Najibullah Zazi, an Afghan-born U.S. resident, when he said on Thursday that such surveillance had helped thwart a significant terrorist plot in recent years.

President Barack Obama's administration is facing controversy after revelations of details of massive programs run by the National Security Agency for collecting information from telephone and Internet companies.

The surveillance program that halted the Zazi plot was one that collected email data on foreign intelligence suspects, a U.S. government source said.

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Update #1: Some are not buying this story.
Update #2: Where's the evidence that data mining saves lives? -- Shane Harris, Special to CNN

My Comment: If the price of security means the loss of our privacy .... this is a path that I will not accept. Fortunately .... if this online poll is accurate .... neither do most Americans (Hat Tip to regular reader D. Plowmann)

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