Tuesday, June 18, 2013

President Obama Defends NSA Surveillance Programs


Obama Defends' System Of Checks And Balances' Around NSA Surveillance -- The Guardian 

Addressing leaked NSA files, president says Department of Justice is investigating 'possible extradition' of Edward Snowden Barack Obama addressed what he described as the public "ruckus" over the leaked National Security Agency surveillance documents on Monday, indicating that the US authorities would pursue extradition from Hong Kong of the whistleblower Edward Snowden.

In his first public comments in 10 days about the NSA disclosures, Obama also said he had set an oversight board made up of independent citizens and the ordered the declassification of documents relating to surveillance to allow the public to see the broader context.

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More News On President Obama Defending The NSA's Surveillance Programs  

Obama on NSA programs: Americans "not getting the complete story" -- CBS
Obama calls NSA secret data gathering 'transparent' in PBS interview -- FOX News
Obama Defends Authorization of Surveillance Programs -- New York Times
Obama: NSA surveillance programs are 'transparent' -- USA Today
In Interview, Obama Defends NSA Data Collection -- NPR
Obama Defends NSA Surveillance -- US News and World Report
Obama bristles at suggestion he's shifted on snooping -- CNN
Obama Defends Surveillance: ‘We Should Take Pride’ In NSA -- TPM

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