Friday, June 7, 2013

President Obama 'Nobody Is Listening To Your Telephone Calls' (Video)

My Comment: For someone who is claiming that there is a lot of hype ... why the secrecy and denials. Bottom line .... they knew that this program was controversial from day one .... and they knew within the Obama administration that supporting it would be toxic to their base of supporters. But the genie is now out of the bag .... the call now is for damage control.


D.Plowman said...

Having been a keen admirer of Obama from the outside, but not necessarily a 'supporter', I've lost a lot of respect for Obama and his administration.

He did make a pre-election promise to stop this practice. They may not be listening to calls, to which I agree, they wouldn't be, bit daft to suggest that someones out there would be listening to millions/billions of data worth of phone calls, but the problem is that they are collecting all this private data.

That's a lot of data. Would you trust the government with your private data? I wouldn't... Is this data secure? What happens if someone hacks the system? If they have to go to a judge anyhow, why not do just that without the need to collect the info?

Now we know what that big data complex they were building is all about...

You don't sacrifice liberty to protect liberty. Your giving up one or the other to do so.

Here's an interesting debate, not sure how old it is though, but the vote stats speak for themselves -

War News Updates Editor said...

I voted No in the poll D. Plowman

fred said...

My guess is that a lot of this had been going on before Obama and continued of couse under Obama. Not by chance the new expensive and huge storage facilities being built out west.