Tuesday, June 18, 2013

President Obama: You Can't Fathom 'Complexities' of Syria Policy 'If You Haven't Been in Situation Room'

"In the White House Situation Room, the President receives an update to the ongoing response to Hurricane Sandy during a teleconference with key officials." (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

Obama: You Can't Fathom 'Complexities' of Syria Policy 'If You Haven't Been in Situation Room' -- Weekly Standard

Obama: I hear folks saying, "Katie, bar the door, let's just go in and knock out Syria."

Charlie Rose last night asked President Obama his new Syria policy. The president first objected to it being called a new policy. "I'm not sure you can characterize this as a new policy. This is consistent with the policy that I've had throughout," he said.

Obama then explained the goal is regional stability, and especially in Syria. "Really, what we're trying to do is take sides against extremists of all sorts and in favor of people who are in favor of moderation, tolerance, representative government, and over the long-term, stability and prosperity for the people of Syria," said Obama.

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My Comment:
And he is (also) no Dick Cheney.

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