Monday, June 17, 2013

Russia Pledges To Prevent A 'No Fly Zone' Over Syria

Russia Says It Will Not Allow Syria No-Fly Zones -- Reuters

(Reuters) - Russia, a veto-wielding member of the U.N. Security Council, will not permit no-fly zones to be imposed over Syria, Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said on Monday.

"I think we fundamentally will not allow this scenario," Lukashevich told a news briefing, adding that calls for a no-fly zone showed disrespect for international law.

Lukashevich spoke before planned talks between President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Barack Obama on the sidelines of a G8 summit in Northern Ireland which were expected to focus on the conflict in Syria that has killed at least 93,000 people.

Russia and the United States are trying to bring representatives of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his foes to the negotiating table, but Moscow has criticized U.S. plans to arm rebel forces and to consider imposing a no-fly zone.

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More News ON Russia Warning That It Will Not Allow A 'No Fly Zone' Over Syria

Russia promises to veto no-fly zone in Syria -- RT
Russia Says No to a No-Fly Zone over Syria -- Atlantic Wire
Russia 'will not permit' no-fly zone over Syria -- Al Arabiya/AFP
Russia Says No-Fly Zone Over Syria Would Be Illegal -- NPR
Russia warns against 'no-fly' zone over Syria -- L.A. Times
Russia strongly rejects no-fly zone in Syria, saying it's illegal -- Digital Journal
Syria no-fly zone would violate international law, says Russia -- The Guardian
Breaking: Russia Will Not Allow Syria No-Fly Zone, Foreign Ministry Says -- International Business Times

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