Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The NSA's 'The Q Group' Is The Organization That Is Hunting NSA Leaker Edward Snowden

Secret Agency 'The Q Group' Was Hunting Edward Snowden For Weeks Before NSA Leaks --

A TOP-secret US security agency called the Q Group is in "complete freak-out mode", and has been hunting for whistleblower Edward Snowden since he disappeared from his Hawaii home in May.

Former CIA employee and IT contractor Mr Snowden threw the US National Security Agency into turmoil last week when he leaked details of a program called PRISM that spied on the internet use of non US citizens, including their emails, Skype calls and social media.

The elite security and counterintelligence directorate, known as "the Q Group", was already tracking Mr Snowden before The Guardian and the Washington Post published the leaks, the Daily Beast reports.

And the group, which acts as the NSA's internal police force, is still chasing him.

Read more ....

Previous Post: The Hunt For NSA Leaker Edward Snowden Will Be Done By The ‘Q Group’

My Comment: They will catch him .... but it will take time.

Update: No sign of NSA leaker as U.S. investigation builds steam -- CNN


D.Plowman said...

Makes you wonder, what would have happened to him if they caught up with him, before he leaked his story...

War News Updates Editor said...

That is a good question D. Plowman.