Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Syrian Arab Red Crescent Tries It's Best To Stay Neutral

Rushing To Aid In Syrian War, But Claiming No Side -- New York Times

DAMASCUS, Syria — Inside the cordon of government checkpoints that ring the Syrian capital, residents are used to the crack of outgoing mortar fire. Scores of shells fly each day from bases atop Mount Qasioun, overlooking the city. For most people, their impact is left to the imagination, as state-run news media contend they are hitting “terrorists,” rebels led by foreign fighters who are bent on destroying the ancient, diverse culture of Damascus.

But a handful of ambulance crews from the Syrian Arab Red Crescent are among the few who regularly see for themselves what is on the other side. As Red Crescent volunteers, they are not allowed to be overtly political. But they cross the checkpoints to help in contested suburbs, and on coming back, describe what they see to one another and to friends and family. It does not always match the government’s description.

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My Comment: In a conflict that is increasingly becoming sectarian in it's nature, it is hard to see how such men and women can stay neutral. But kudos to them for doing just that .... they are trying their best to serve a higher cause and are doing an admirable job in view of all of the obstacles that are being thrown in their way.

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