Friday, June 7, 2013

The U.S. Prepares For Cyber Warfare

With Troops And Techies, U.S. Prepares For Cyber Warfare -- Reuters

(Reuters) - On the site of a former military golf course where President Dwight Eisenhower once played, the future of U.S. warfare is rising in the shape of the new $358 million headquarters for the military's Cyber Command.

The command, based at Fort Meade, Maryland, about 25 miles north of Washington, is rushing to add between 3,000 and 4,000 new cyber warriors under its wing by late 2015, more than quadrupling its size.

Most of Cyber Command's new troops will focus on defense, detecting and stopping computer penetrations of military and other critical networks by America's adversaries like China, Iran or North Korea.

Read more ....

Update #1: Protecting The Cyber Front Lines -- Michael Harper,
Update #2: Breakfast with the cyberchief: He wants some RoE, and also pre-approved actions -- Thomas E. Ricks, Best Defense

My Comment: It appears that the U.S. now wants to go on thecyber offensive .... they just want to know what are the limits and rules of engagement.

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