Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Turkey's 'Standing Man' Protest Goes Viral


'Standing Man' Inspires Silent Demonstration In Turkey -- CNN Istanbul 

(CNN) -- A man stood silently in Istanbul's Taksim Square for hours Monday night, defying police who had broken up weekend anti-government protests with tear gas and water cannon and drawing hundreds of others to emulate his vigil.

For more than five hours, he appeared to stare at a portrait of Kemal Ataturk, the founder of the modern Turkish state, on the side of the Ataturk Cultural Center. Police eventually moved in to arrest many of those who had joined him, but it was unclear Tuesday whether Erdem Gunduz -- a performance artist quickly dubbed the "standing man" -- was in custody.

Turkey has been wracked by more than two weeks of protests against the government of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. But many of those who joined Gunduz late Monday said they were standing only for peace, not taking sides.

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More News On The 'Standing Man' Protest Going Viral  

Dozens held in Turkey, silent protester goes viral -- Reuters
Turkey's 'Standing Man' Launches New Protest Wave -- ABC News/AP
Turkey's 'standing man': A new form of protest -- USA Today
'Standing man' inspires Turkish protesters in Istanbul -- BBC
‘Standing man’ protester inspires Turkish protesters -- Celebrity Cafe
Standing: The Newest Form of Protest in Turkey -- Olga Khazan, The Atlantic

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