Tuesday, June 4, 2013

United Nations: Syria's Civil War Has Reached ‘New Levels Of Brutality’

Syria Conflict Has Reached New Levels Of Brutality - UN -- BBC

Syria's war has reached "new levels of brutality", the UN says, with evidence of fresh suspected massacres, sieges and violations of children's rights.

Children have been taken hostage, forced to watch torture and even participate in beheadings, it says; others have been killed while fighting.

It says it suspects there are "reasonable grounds" to believe chemical weapons have been deployed.

It urges foreign powers not to increase the availability of arms in Syria.

The issue of arms has been high on the international agenda of late, with the EU lifting an embargo on the sale of arms to Syria while Russia has insisted it is going ahead with the sale of an advanced S-300 surface-to-air missile defence system to Syria.

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More News On The UN Report On The Syrian Conflict

Independent UN panel calls for diplomatic surge to end ‘daily reality’ of war crimes in Syria -- UN News Centre
War crimes a 'daily reality' of Syrian civil war, UN says -- France 24/AFP
U.N. Panel Reports Increasing Brutality by Both Sides in Syria -- New York Times
UN Report: Syrian conflict at ‘new levels brutality’ -- MSNBC
UN finds evidence of 'toxic chemicals' and a worsening war in Syria -- Christian Science Monitor
Chemical weapons use in Syria reaching 'new levels of brutality': UN -- Global Post
U.N. believes chemical weapons used in Syria -- Reuters
UN: 'Reasonable Grounds' to Believe Chemical Weapons Used in Syria -- Voice of America
UN has 'reasonable grounds' to believe Assad forces used chemical weapons in Syria -- Haaretz/Reuters
UN needs 'more evidence' in Syria chemical weapons probe -- Deutsche Welle
Beheadings by Syrian Rebels Add to Assad’s Atrocities, UN Says -- Bloomberg Businessweek
Russia Criticizes UN Report on Syrian Human Rights Abuses -- RIA Novosti

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