Saturday, June 15, 2013

Yahoo Fought Against The NSA's Demands For Their Data (But They Lost)


How Yahoo Fought PRISM — and Lost -- Atlantic Wire

Yahoo, one of the companies named as part of the NSA's PRISM data collection program, didn't go quietly, according to a New York Times scoop posted late Thursday. The company was behind a 2008 court challenge to fight a court order requiring the company to give them data without a warrant, which they lost. That, according to the Times, ushered the company into PRISM.

The court, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court or FISC, has been in the news a lot recently for, among other things, authorizing the phone data tracking of millions of Americans. The Yahoo case was previously known as an unsuccessful challenge to the NSA's surveillance powers, but until now, no one knew the name of the company behind it. Here's how that argument went down, according to the Times:

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My Comment: Yahoo's court case against the NSA makes the denials from Facebook, Google, Apple, etc. of NSA cooperation all the more questionable.

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