Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A New Insurgency In Iraq

Iraq’s Newest Insurgency -- Max Boot, Comentary

The latest alarming news from Iraq is that hundreds of hardened al-Qaeda terrorists have broken out of the Abu Ghraib prison–once used by Saddam Hussein, then by the U.S., now by the Iraqi government.

Al-Qaeda in Iraq–recently rebranded, after a merger with its Syrian affiliate, as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant–has already been displaying formidable capabilities, given that it now seems to set off a major explosion at least once a week. The raid to free imprisoned al-Qaeda members–which featured complex, military-style maneuvers–is a further sign of its strength. And of course with the aid of the newly released terrorists, al-Qaeda in Iraq will only get stronger still.

Read more ....

Update #1: Iraqi prison breaks signal escalating Al Qaeda violence -- L.A. Times
Update #2: Abu Ghraib mass jailbreak heightens fears over future of Iraq -- The Independent

My Comment:
When you read reports like this one .... you cannot help but believe that Iraq is just a few steps away from an all out sectarian conflict.

Update: Why The Massive Jailbreak In Iraq Is Worse Than You Think -- Hayes Brown, Think Progress

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