Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Could Iraq Become President Obama's Next Big Foreign Policy Crisis?

The Meaning of al-Qaeda’s Alarming Baghdad Jailbreak -- Michael Crowley, Time

Why Iraq could become Obama's next big foreign policy crisis

The Middle East has presented Barack Obama with many nasty surprises. But Iraq has not been among them. Since the last U.S. combat troops left 19 months ago, the site of America’s long Bush-era nightmare has held together relatively — repeat: relatively — well. It may not be Disneyland, but Iraq has so far avoided descending back into the savage state of anarchy many people predicted.

Alas, it may be that Iraq is living on borrowed time. One reason why was illustrated on Monday, when al-Qaeda fighters staged a brazen attack on two Iraq prisons, using car bombs, mortars and rocket-propelled grenades to free hundreds of inmates — including many of their brothers in arms.

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My Comment: If Iraq descends into chaos it will be the fault of the Iraqis .... not Americas. And while it would be extremely unfortunate for such an outcome .... this will not be a foreign policy crisis for President Obama for the simple reason that there is zero political and public support to have US forces become re-engage in the Iraqi quagmire.

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