Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Did Turkey Assist Israel In Launching An Air Strike Against Syria Last Week?

RT Source: Israeli Strike On Syria Was Carried Out From Turkish Base -- RT

Israel used a Turkish military base to launch one of its recent airstrikes against Syria from the sea, a reliable source told RT. Israel has been under scrutiny since last week, when it was reported to be responsible for a July 5 depot attack in Latakia.

News that Turkey assisted Israel in attacking another Muslim state could result in serious turmoil for Ankara, once the information is confirmed.

"Our source is telling us that Israeli planes left a military base inside Turkey and approached Latakia from the sea to make sure that they stayed out of Syrian airspace so that they cannot become a legitimate target for the Syrian air force," RT's Paula Slier reports.

In response, Turkey has denied that Israel has used its base to strike Syria.

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My Comment: I doubt that this story is true. If there were Israeli jets at a Turkish base .... this would be impossible to hide .... someone would have leaked that story within a day or two.

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