Monday, July 15, 2013

European Courts Are Dismantling Sanctions On Iran

Insight: How European Courts Are Dismantling Sanctions On Iran -- Reuters

(Reuters) - In the years-long campaign to tie a web of sanctions around Iran and stall its nuclear program, the European Union may just have met its biggest obstacle: its own law courts.

Fearing Tehran is seeking the means to make bombs, Europe's governments have been combing through Iran's political elites and businesses to find people and companies linked to the financing and technical aspects of its nuclear work.

They have frozen their assets, refused visas and banned companies in the European Union from doing business with them. But dozens of those targeted have challenged the restrictions in court and some are beginning to win, embarrassing Europe's policymakers and causing alarm in the United States.

None of the court judgments are yet final. But with Israel brandishing threats against a nuclear program that Iran insists has no military purpose, Washington worries that any weakening of sanctions may raise the risk of war.

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My Comment: This is a smart ploy on the part of Iran .... they want to know who is providing confidential information and intelligence that is exposing their sanction-busting operations, and they are using the European courts to find out. The EU obviously has to change the law ... otherwise any weakening of sanctions may only raise the risk of war and all of its consequences.

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