Friday, July 5, 2013

How Russian Intelligence Is Using NSA Leaker Edward Snowden

Image: Seal of the SVR, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency. Wikipedia

Russian Intel and Edward Snowden -- Washington Times

Russia’s SVR intelligence service, successor to the KGB, is behind a coordinated Moscow campaign to exploit the case of former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden by fueling anti-U.S. sentiment in Russia, according to U.S. officials.

State-controlled Russian media in recent days actively promoted an online White House petition urging a presidential pardon for Mr. Snowden. Several news websites posted links to the petition.

The media’s reporting and promoting of the petition were assessed by U.S. officials to be part of a Russian government effort against the United States, said officials familiar with intelligence reports.

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My Comment: More proof that the U.S. - Russian reset is dead.

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