Friday, July 12, 2013

Latin American Governments Have Their Own Surveillance And Wiretap Programs

Latin American Complaints Over U.S. Spying Ignore Their Own Wiretap Programs -- McClatchy News

MEXICO CITY — Several Latin American presidents have complained bitterly following recent revelations about U.S. electronic surveillance, but there’s a bit of hypocrisy in some of their griping.

At least four Latin countries have requested, and received, U.S. help in setting up eavesdropping programs of their own, ostensibly designed to fight organized crime. But the programs are easily diverted to political ends, and with weak rule of law in parts of the region, wiretapping scandals erupt every few months.

The latest brouhaha occurred six weeks ago in Panama, where a leading presidential candidate complained of wiretapping by the government.

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My Comment: Quoting Buddha .... if you point a finger at someone you are actually pointing three at yourself. It appears that Latin American governments are no different from anyone else when it comes to monitoring and conducting surveillance programs on their own citizens.

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