Tuesday, July 23, 2013

NSA Director: NSA Intelligence Sources Are Drying Up

General Alexander: NSA Leaks Causing Sources To Dry Up -- NBC

The U.S. Army general who runs the National Security Agency, in charge of the government surveillance programs revealed by Edward Snowden, say the disclosures and the resulting fallout have greatly distorted how they actually work and have caused some intelligence sources to dry up.

"We have concrete proof that they have already, terrorists groups and others, are taking action, making changes, and it's going to make our job tougher," said Gen. Keith Alexander, in an interview at the Aspen Security Conference in Colorado.

Alexander said it would be impossible to listen to every phone call and read every e-mail even if the government wanted to, which it does not. Consider, he said, the sheer volume — 114 billion e-mails, 24 billion text messages, and over 12 billion phone calls worldwide every day.

Read more ....

Update: NSA chief: Leaks changed terrorists' operations -- UPI

My Comment: NSA Director Alexander asks us to take his word that "sources are drying up". Considering how the NSA operates .... and the veil of secrecy that surrounds them .... I am deeply skeptical that groups like Al Qaeda .... who have always believed that the NSA was listening in on them .... would (because of Edward Snowden) change this mindset.

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