Thursday, July 25, 2013

Prepare For The Worst When The Middle East Peace Talks Fall Apart

Prepare For The Worst -- Natan B. Sachs, Foreign Policy

It's already time to start planning for what happens if the Middle East peace talks fall apart.

Last month in Jerusalem, I sat in on a small conference organized by the Yesha Council, the central organization of Israeli settlers in the West Bank. A featured speaker was Naftali Bennett, leader of the far-right Jewish Home party and minister of economy, who made a simple point: The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is not solvable.

To underline his point, Bennett spoke of a friend from military service who suffered a shrapnel wound close to his spine -- "near his backside," Bennett said, in a line that immediately made headlines. The doctors told his friend that they could operate, but he'd run a serious risk of paralysis to his lower limbs. Alternatively, the friend could learn to live with an unpleasant but manageable problem.

Read more ....

My Comment: I have always been one who has had no confidence that a peaceful solution could ever be found in the Israeli - Palestinian conflict. Both sides want the same land for themselves .... and if history is any indication .... have always been unwillingly to accept the other as their neighbor. Therefore I am never surprised when I here Palestinian cabinet ministers talk about launching a war under the guise of peace .... or Israeli ministers talking about building even more settlements in the West Bank while peace talks are ongoing. They both want the other side to disappear, and are pursuing an agenda that they hope will eventually make their side the only one left in the region. As for John Kerry's peace initiative .... both sides are not interested in peace, but both sides will use John Kerry to get monies and concessions from Washington .... and on this point I expect both the Israelis and Palestinians will be very successful.

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