Thursday, August 8, 2013

Abandoning Our Friends And Allies In Afghanistan

The Abandoned -- Washington Free Beacon

Afghan translator of Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer caught in bureaucratic limbo

Four years ago, an Afghan translator known as “Hafez” charged into enemy fire to help Marine Corporal Dakota Meyer rescue wounded American soldiers during one of the most famous battles in the Afghanistan war.

Meyer received the Medal of Honor for his courage in the battle of Ganjgal—the first living Marine to receive the honor since the Vietnam war.

But Meyer says his friend Hafez is still waiting to receive a U.S. visa he applied for years ago. The former translator remains in Afghanistan under daily threat from the Taliban while his application is caught in the bureaucratic limbo of the State Department.

“He stood next to me, by my side pretty much the entire time [during the Battle of Ganjgal],” Meyer, 25, said in an interview with the Washington Free Beacon on Monday. “He helped me carry my guys out.”

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My Comment: Kudos to  Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer for taking up this cause.

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