Saturday, August 24, 2013

Are Rogue Nations Getting A Free Pass From the U.S.

A War-Weary America Gives Rogue Nations a Free Pass -- David Francis, The Fiscal Times

Outrage over the apparent chemical annihilation of entire Syrian communities—including massive numbers of children—reached a tipping point on Thursday when images of the horror were broadcast and published throughout the world.

While most countries offered sympathy coupled their usual condemnations – including the United States -- the French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius called for the use of force against the alleged perpetrator, Syrian President Bashir al-Assad. His goal is to retain power at all costs, even if it means wiping out entire villages in Syria’s ongoing civil war.

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My Comment: The big worry is that these "rogue nations" have a tendency to come back and "bite us" when we least suspect it.

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