Thursday, August 8, 2013

CNN Is Not Buying The White House Line On Benghazi

Why Benghazi Matters -- John King, CNN Chief National Correspondent

Washington (CNN) -- Nearly a year later, Benghazi remains a flashpoint in Washington for two very different reasons: indefensible pre-attack policy decisions and irresistible post-attack politics.

The Obama White House, from the president on down, complains of "phony" Republican-led congressional investigations. Yet the administration's own reluctant, and at times inaccurate, responses to congressional inquiries have contributed to the GOP charge that the administration, at a minimum, has been less than transparent.

"We need to get to the bottom of what happened that terrible night, why it happened, and how we can prevent similar tragedies in the future," House Speaker John Boehner said last week in serving notice the House Benghazi investigations would continue into the fall, and include new subpoenas for documents and testimony if necessary.

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My Comment: I have always been critical on how many in the main stream media 'toe' the administration line on important issues. Kudos to CNN for (finally) making an exception on this case.

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