Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Does The U.S. Pay Families When Strikes Kill Innocent Civilians?

Drones In Yemen: Does the U.S. Pay Families When Strikes Kill Innocent Yemenis? -- Huffington Post

There have been nine drone strikes reported in Yemen in the past two weeks – an uptick apparently connected to the Al Qaeda threat that shut down U.S. embassies across the Middle East and Africa. As many as six civilian deaths have also been reported.

President Obama has promised increased transparency around drones, but when asked about the strikes on Friday, Obama wouldn’t even confirm U.S. involvement.

“I will not have a discussion about operational issues,” he said.

The military is also following that line, refusing to release details about what happens when civilians are harmed in these strikes, including if and how families of innocent victims are compensated.

Read more ....

My Comment: The families are not talking (no surprise there) .... so I guess it will be a few years .... if not more .... before we find out if the U.S. makes payoffs to families who have lost their loved ones.

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