Thursday, August 8, 2013

Dog Of War Gives The Ultimate Sacrifice

Photo: Master-at-Arms First Class Leroy Williams Jr. and Dinomt, a bomb-sniffing dog, in Afghanistan in 2012. Leroy Williams

Dog of War Makes Ultimate Sacrifice for Sailor -- Elliott Garber, New York Times

The silence was what surprised him most. As the earth erupted in a puff of smoke just three feet away, Master-at-Arms First Class Leroy Williams Jr. found himself flying backward in an angry cloud of dirt and debris.

There was no roaring boom, no fiery explosion, he recalled later, just a detached curiosity about the novel situation in which he suddenly found himself.

Petty Officer Williams, a Navy dog handler, hit the ground with a smack 20 feet back. He popped up and started running forward again, his mind beginning to clear even as an intense ringing started up in his ears.

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My Comment: Dogs .... if treated well .... always give unconditional love .... including giving away their lives.

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