Friday, August 16, 2013

Military Surplus Sale: Unloading Unused War Equipment (Video)

Uncle Sam's Yard Sale: Gov't Looks To Unload Afghanistan War Hardware -- FOX News

It could be Uncle Sam’s biggest yard sale.

After 12 years of war in Afghanistan, officials are now pondering what to do with $50 billion in equipment half a world away — including combat vehicles, dining rooms, gyms, clothing and more.

“A lot of this stuff, you're not really concerned about bringing it back,” said Jim Hasik, a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council. “I mean if a Coke machine falls into the hands of the Taliban, this is just not a big disaster.”

But eventually, much of the gear will trickle down to the public. With the click of a mouse the spoils of war can be yours on Each day, new items appear on the site – as bases around the country release unneeded items – from rafts and trucks, to fire engines and pretzel stands.

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WNU Editor: The US Government "liquidation" site is here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice post. Thanks to share this post.
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