Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Pakistan To Help Afghan Reconciliation Efforts With The Taliban

Karzai Calls For Pakistan Role In Afghan Peace Process -- BBC

Afghan President Hamid Karzai has urged Pakistan "to facilitate peace talks" between his country and the Taliban during a visit to Islamabad.

He said the Pakistani government could provide opportunities for talks between the Afghan High Peace Council and the militants.

Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said that he wanted to help regional efforts to stabilise Afghanistan.

Mr Karzai has extended his stay to allow talks with Pakistan to continue.

The BBC's Charles Haviland in Islamabad says that his decision is a surprise development as the president seeks Mr Sharif's help in bringing the Afghan Taliban to the negotiating table.

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More News On Afghan - Pakistan Efforts To Restart Peace Talks With The Taliban

Afghan president urges Pakistan to facilitate Taliban peace talks, but expectations low -- Washington Post/AP
Karzai stresses need for Pakistani help in Taliban peace process -- Times of India/Reuters
Karzai Seeks Pakistan's Help for Talks With Taliban -- Wall Street Journal
Afghanistan: Seeking Pakistan's Help -- New York Times
Pakistan's PM Sharif: Afghanistan's Taliban talks must be 'Afghan-led' -- BBC
Afghan newspapers skeptical on President Karzai's visit to Pakistan -- Xinhuanet

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