Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Guardian Reveals That It Was Forced To Destroy It's Secret NSA Files

Guardian Says Britain Forced It To Destroy Snowden Material -- The Guardian

(Reuters) - The Guardian, a major outlet for revelations based on leaks from former U.S. intelligence contractor Edward Snowden, says the British government threatened legal action against the newspaper unless it either destroyed the classified documents or handed them back to British authorities.

In an article posted on the British newspaper's website on Monday, Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger said that a month ago, after the newspaper had published several stories based on Snowden's material, a British official advised him: "You've had your fun. Now we want the stuff back."

Rusbridger's disclosure follows Sunday's detainment at London's Heathrow Airport under British anti-terrorism laws of David Miranda, domestic partner of U.S. journalist and Guardian writer Glenn Greenwald.

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More News On The Guardian Reporting That It Was Forced To Destroy It's Secret NSA Files

Guardian Chief: U.K. Had Newspaper Disks Destroyed -- Time/AP
Guardian says Britain forced it to destroy Snowden material -- Reuters
UK government destroyed Guardian hard drives over Snowden story -- Sydney Morning Herald
The Guardian Claims British Government Destroyed Their Hard Drives -- The Gawker
U.K. gov't thought, naively and stupidly, destroying hard drives would prevent NSA leaks -- ZDNet
UK Govt. Destroyed Journalists’ Hard Drives In Failed Attempt To Stop NSA Story -- Tech Crunch
U.K. agents destroyed Guardian computer to squelch NSA stories -- CNet

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