Friday, September 27, 2013

A Former Marine Lawyer Takes On The Top Brass

Former Marine Lawyer Takes On Top Brass To Defend Supervisor Of 8 Who Defiled Taliban Corpses -- Washington Times

On a warm June night in 2010, the historic Marine Barracks in Washington opened its gates to honor John M. Dowd, a lawyer who sort of resembles the Corps’ mascot — a bulldog.

Mr. Dowd, 72, has doggedly defended U.S. senators and other higher-ups. He conducted the investigation that led to Pete Rose’s withdrawal from any role in Major League Baseball for betting on the game.

But what brought him to Eighth and I Streets Southeast for the Evening Parade was his long dedication to the Corps — first as an active-duty captain, then as pro bono counsel to the service’s Heritage Foundation and member of an unofficial “kitchen cabinet” that advises the commandant, the top Marine.

His devotion is a major reason Mr. Dowd finds himself locked in battle against the highest levels of the Marine Corps, including the commandant, Gen. James F. Amos, whom he accuses of misconduct.

Read more ....

My Comment: When the marine urination video on a Taliban corpse went viral .... I said in this blog that while it was a wrong thing to do and they should be punished (albeit not severely) .... because the incident was rapidly becoming political (our Afghan allies were unhappy) .... these Marines were going to prosecuted BIG TIME. Kudos to Mr. Dowd for taking the case .... and if there was undue influence from the General James Amos .... he (like everyone else) should also be held accountable for his actions.

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