Saturday, September 7, 2013

A U.S. Military Strike Against Syria May Start A Cyber War

In any US-Syria Conflict, Cyberweapons Could Fly In Both Directions -- Christian Science Monitor

Syria's cyberwar capabilities may be modest, but its allies and sympathizers – including Russia and Iran – could pose a more formidable cyber threat to the US, experts say.

Cyberattacks to neutralize Syrian targets, such as its anti-aircraft radar systems, are likely be part of any US-led effort to bomb or assault the Assad regime. Yet Syria and its sympathizers are equally likely to launch retaliatory cyberstrikes against US targets, say experts in cyberconflict.

The US has had a cyber bead drawn on Syria for well over a year now, plenty long enough to infiltrate and compromise key Syrian military systems, several experts say. But to what degree the US will use that capability is far from clear, especially since it might not be needed to accomplish its key goals.

Still, many experts say it is quite likely cyberweapons will be launched. Some even suggest using them would be a good idea, adding the US should tell the world what is happening so it can be shown that such weapons can be used responsibly without killing people.

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My Comment: The Syrians are already trying their best with the limited cyber warfare capabilities that they presently have. But the big fear is what Syria's allies may do (Iran, Russia, etc.).

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