Thursday, September 26, 2013

Did Iranian President Hassan Rowhani Use the Term “Holocaust” In His CNN Interview

CNN Denies Mistranslating Rowhani Interview -- Washington Free Beacon

Iranian state-run media said Rowhani did not refer to 'Holocaust' in interview

CNN said it did not mistranslate Iranian President Hassan Rowhani’s comments about the Holocaust to make him sound more moderate during a Tuesday interview with Christiane Amanpour, contradicting a report that ran in Iran’s state-run news agency.

According to the government-run Fars News service, CNN mistranslated Rowhani’s statements and downplayed his suggestion that the Holocaust was not an historical fact.

CNN told the Washington Free Beacon that the translator who worked on the interview was actually hired by the Iranian government.

According to the Fars News translation of Rowhani’s CNN interview, the Iranian president did not use the term “Holocaust,” instead referring to it as “historical events.” He also did not use the term “reprehensible,” according to Fars News.

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More News On Iranian Claims That CNN Mistranslated Iranian President Rowhani's Interview

Exclusive: CNN Fabricates Iranian President's Remarks about Holocaust -- FARS News Agency
Iran state-media: CNN ‘fabricated’ Rouhani translation on Holocaust -- Washington Times
Iranian News Agency Accuses CNN Of Fabricating Translation In Which President Rouhani Acknowledged The Holocaust -- Business Insider
Iran claims CNN fabricated Rouhani's Holocaust remarks -- Politico
CNN rebuts accusations of Iranian news agency -- Erik Wemple, Washington Post

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