Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hundreds Of Syrian Rebels Are Now Defecting To Al Qaeda

Now Hundreds Of Syrian Rebels Defect To Al Qaeda: 'Civil War Within The Civil War' Weakens The Battle To Topple Assad -- Daily Mail

* Infighting has alarmed London, Washington and Paris
* Radical groups are growing in power, according to rival rebels

Rebel leaders in Syria warned last night that gunmen linked to Al Qaeda were undermining the battle to oust tyrant Bashar al-Assad.

Hundreds of rebel fighters are defecting and pledging allegiance to the extremists, according to sources.

Entire units are said to have joined the small but powerful Al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in recent days.

‘This is a sign the radical groups are still growing in power ... this region could fall to the jihadists,’ said an activist in the eastern town of Raqqa, adding: ‘We may see this become a trend.’

At least two entire rebel brigades are said to have joined the Nusra Front in opposition-held Raqqa, which borders Turkey. One of the groups, the Raqqa Revolutionaries, is said to have about 750 fighters.

Read more ....

Update #1: FSA Brigade 'Joins al-Qaeda Group' In Syria -- Al Jazeera
Update #2: 2 Free Syrian Army brigades join Al Nusrah Front -- Long War Journal

My Comment: The only one who will benefit from these defections is the Assad government. As for Western support of these rebel groups .... I am sure that doubts are now beginning to set in.

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