Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Iraq's Shiites Are Now Calling For Revenge

In Baghdad Bastion, Grieving Shi'ites Call For Revenge -- Suadad al-Salhy and Kareem Raheem, Reuters

(Reuters) - The red flag of revenge flies over a house in Baghdad's Shi'ite stronghold of Sadr City, where residents are mourning the victims of a triple bombing that killed 85 people at a funeral in the same place at the weekend.

Young men with pistols tucked into their belts or rifles slung over their shoulders patrol the streets of the sprawling, impoverished swathe of the Iraqi capital, no longer trusting official security forces to keep Sadr City's three million people safe.

No group has claimed responsibility for Saturday's attacks, but many suspect the Sunni militants of al Qaeda, who have been this year and mounting attacks that have reversed a declining trend in sectarian violence that reached a climax in 2006-07.

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My Comment: Iraq's security forces number almost a million strong .... and they have been totally ineffective in stopping the growing violence. It is not hard to predict that if the violence continues sectarian divisions will not only continue to grow.... but the security forces themselves may break-up into sectarian groups .... thereby guaranteeing even more violence and division.

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