Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The U.S. Military Wants Autonomous "Killer Robots"

Photo from Extreme Tech

US Killer Robot Policy: Full Speed Ahead -- Bulletin Of The Atomic Scientists

In November 2012, United States Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton Carter signed directive 3000.09, establishing policy for the “design, development, acquisition, testing, fielding, and … application of lethal or non-lethal, kinetic or non-kinetic, force by autonomous or semi-autonomous weapon systems.” Without fanfare, the world had its first openly declared national policy for killer robots.

The policy has been widely misperceived as one of caution. According to one account, the directive promises that a human will always decide when a robot kills another human. Others even read it as imposing a 10-year moratorium to allow for discussion of ethics and safeguards. However, as a Defense Department spokesman confirmed for me, the 10-year expiration date is routine for such directives, and the policy itself is “not a moratorium on anything.”

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My Comment: The pentagon may want robots .... but they have their share of problems.

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