Friday, October 18, 2013

Asia Is The World's Most Dangerous Continent

The Most Dangerous Continent -- Moisés Naím, The Atlantic

No part of the world has as much potential to create and spread global crises as Asia.

Some problems travel well. Sometimes too well. Financial crashes have taught us that in some cases what starts as a very local economic problem quickly escalates and becomes a global crisis. Think Greece—or more recently Cyprus. And we know that terrorism also has a way of going global in unpredictable and dangerous ways.

But what about regions? Which continents are more prone to infect the rest of the world with their problems? Africa and Latin America's woes, for example, remain mostly insulated. Of course, the mass emigration of Africans to Europe and Latin Americans to the United States is an example of how one continent’s problems spill over into another, but this contagion has had much less of an impact than the economic crisis in the U.S. or Europe, for example. Millions of people all over the world, and especially in Europe, are still paying the consequences for that financial earthquake.

Read more ....

My Comment: I concur with this analysis on Asia. If there is ever a future conflict involving major military forces .... it will be in Asia. 

1 comment:

oldfatslow said...

I'd have picked Africa, but I guess I should ready the article.
