Tuesday, October 8, 2013

China Announces That It's Military Can Now Strike Anywhere And Anyone In The Western Pacific

Image from The Korea Herald

Inside China: Eye In The Sky Over Eastern Asia, Australia -- Washington Times

China announced last week that its army now has the capability to strike anywhere in the Western Pacific, including Japan, Southeast Asia and Australia.

The announcement was made by the Communist Party-run Global Times newspaper on Sept. 25, highlighting the completion of the second phase of the Beidou satellite positioning and weapons guidance system.

“Right now, the coverage of our Beidou second-phase operation includes the entire Western Pacific and the key nations in the region,” the Global Times reported. “All areas stretching from the First Island Chain to the Second Island Chain are under the cover of China’s satellite signals, which makes China capable of launching precision strikes against any nation in the region.”

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My Comment: The Chinese are bluntly telling the U.S. and it's Asian allies that they are not intimidated by their alliances and strategic partnerships .... and are using their military and it's capabilities to stress their point.

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