Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Do Not Discount A Possible Israeli Strike Against Iran

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Rogue State -- Uri Sadot, Foreign Policy

Think Israel wouldn't strike Iran's nukes in defiance of America's wishes? Think again.

As American and Iranian diplomats attempt to reach a rapprochement that would end the historical enmity between their two governments, Israel is weary of being sidelined by its most important ally. While the U.S. incentive for diplomacy is great, it could place Washington in a short-term conflict of interests with Israel, which views Iran as an existential threat. With the renewed negotiations in place, will Israel dare strike a Middle Eastern nation in defiance of its closest allies? It seems unlikely, but 32 years ago, the answer was yes.

On June 7, 1981, Israel launched Operation Opera. A squadron of fighter planes flew almost 1,000 miles over Saudi and Iraqi territory to bomb a French-built plutonium reactor on the outskirts of Baghdad, which Israeli leaders feared would be used by Saddam Hussein to build atomic bombs.

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My Comment: When it comes to the Middle East .... I learned that one should always expect the worse.

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