Monday, October 21, 2013

Does The Public Care About NSA Surveillance?

Edward Snowden: Public Indifference Is The Real Enemy In The NSA Affair -- The Guardian

Most people don't seem to worry that government agencies are collecting their personal data. Is it ignorance or apathy?

One of the most disturbing aspects of the public response to Edward Snowden's revelations about the scale of governmental surveillance is how little public disquiet there appears to be about it. A recent YouGov poll, for example, asked respondents whether the British security services have too many or too few powers to carry out surveillance on ordinary people. Forty-two per cent said that they thought the balance was "about right" and a further 22% thought that the security services did not have enough powers. In another question, respondents were asked whether they thought Snowden's revelations were a good or a bad thing; 43% thought they were bad and only 35% thought they were good.

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My Comment: I would say that the younger generation (teenagers to young adults) are definitely unhappy with this surveillance .... I have lost count on how many of these kids have asked me on how can they secure their internet activity. But for those who are 30 and above .... I have found that many are unfortunately indifferent and/or do not care. As to what is my take .... we should definitely be concerned because this will only be a stepping stone to even more surveillance and a further erosion to our privacy rights.

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