Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Generals And Admirals Behaving Badly

The Pentagon, headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, taken from an airplane in January 2008. Wikipedia

Military Misconduct Cases Worry Pentagon Brass -- L.A. Times

Recent allegations against generals and admirals create concern about ethical and moral shortcomings among senior officers.

WASHINGTON — A flood of misconduct cases involving generals and admirals has created deep concern at the Pentagon about ethical and moral shortcomings among senior military officers and prompted new steps to tighten rules, increase inspections and weed out offenders, officials said.

The most recent cases — a Navy admiral under investigation for using counterfeit gambling chips and an Air Force general in charge of nuclear-tipped missiles relieved for drunkenness off duty — follow a long list of officer wrongdoing over the last year. The offenses include ethical lapses and allegations of criminal violations, including sexual assault.

Senior officers who have examined the problem insist that no evidence suggests widespread misconduct among the nearly 1,000 generals and admirals in the armed forces. The number of cases where allegations of misconduct are substantiated remains low and offenders are punished when identified, they say.

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My Comment: When you have an organization that is over one million strong .... you will have a few bad apples. But these firings and disciplinary actions have been a disappointment.

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