Sunday, October 27, 2013

Germany's Angela Merkel Was Spied On By The NSA Three Years Before Becoming Chancellor

NSA Knew All About Merkel Before Rest Of World Met Her -- McClatchy News

BERLIN — Germany's Angela Merkel became Chancellor in 2005. But the American National Security Agency started spying on her three years earlier.

That's the latest revelation from the German magazine Der Spiegel, which has been revealing the depths of U.S. spying on Germany (as well as some other nations) through documents from former NSA worker Edward Snowden. There are conflicting reports about the source of the information for this revelation, with some members of the German parliament saying that government sources have suggested this information might not involve Snowden's documents.

The spy issue exploded this week here, when Merkel called U.S. President Barack Obama to ask for an explanation of reports that her cell phone - a vital part of her political persona - was being tapped.

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My Comment: This news is revealing .... she was being spied on by the NSA three years before becoming Chancellor. In short .... even though her role in the government at teh time was minor, she was still being monitored. If she was important enough to be monitored .... I one can only then assume that everyone in Germany was being monitored at this time.

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