Monday, October 21, 2013

How Popular Is Egypt's New Ruler?

Egypt's Army Chief Rides Wave Of Popularity Towards Presidency -- The Guardian

Growing numbers of Egyptians applaud General Abdel Fatah el-Sisi's hardline approach to Muslim Brotherhood

Egyptian chocolate-maker Bahira Galal does not hide her support for Egypt's army chief, General Abdel Fatah el-Sisi. Customers at her plush boutique in central Cairo are offered a choice between chocolates coated with his face and others embossed with messages of adulation. One carries his official portrait. Another shows him in sunglasses. "Thank you, Sisi, from the bottom of our hearts," reads a third.

Galal had the idea back in August, shortly after Sisi's troops cleared a camp of Muslim Brotherhood supporters, killing up to 1,000. There was outcry abroad, but many Egyptians "wanted to show support in whatever way they could", said Galal, a representive of a large chunk of the Egyptian population who view the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organisation.

Read more ....

My Comment: If history is any indication .... dictators always project themselves as being popular .... when they are not. In the meantime .... the pogrom against Christians continues.

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