Monday, October 7, 2013

Iran Accusses Israel Of Tryng To Sabotage Their Nuclear Program

Director of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi says the country’s security forces have arrested four individuals who planned sabotage at a nuclear energy facility. Press TV

Iran Blames Israel For Nuclear Sabotage: Tehran Accuses 'Hostile Nations' After Four Workers Are Arrested -- Daily Mail

* Iranian nuclear power chief Ali Akbar Salehi said authorities had monitored suspects as they worked in one of the country's nuclear facilities
* He blamed 'hostile' nations - usually a reference to either Israel or the U.S.

Iran has accused four workers of trying to sabotage its nuclear power programme, tacitly blaming Israel for the plot.

The Iranian nuclear power chief, Ali Akbar Salehi, said yesterday that the authorities had monitored the suspects as they worked in one of the country’s nuclear facilities and made the arrests at 'exactly the right time'.

Although he did not spell out who he believed was responsible, he blamed 'hostile' nations – usually a reference to either Israel or the U.S. – which were opposed to current diplomatic efforts to resolve the row over Iran’s alleged nuclear weapons ambitions.

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More News On Iran Arresting Four Workers On Nuclear Sabotage

Iran arrests 4 nuclear saboteurs: AEOI chief -- Press TV (Iran)
Four people arrested in Iran accused of trying to sabotage nuclear site -- The Guardian
Iran accuses four of nuclear sabotage -- Al Jazeera
Iran arrests 4 men in 'nuclear facilities sabotage' plot -- RT
Iran Arrests 4 Suspects in 'Nuclear Sabotage Plot' -- Jerusalem Post
Iran Says It Has Arrested 4 In Nuclear Sabotage Plot -- NPR
Iran Arrests Suspected Nuclear Saboteurs -- Radio Free Europe

My Comment:
It sounds like there is a purge going on.

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