Saturday, October 12, 2013

Is North Korean Dictator Kim Jong-un A Pot Smoker?

Cannabis is legal in North Korea because it is not considered a drug (Reuters)

Does Kim Jong-un Get Stoned? Cannabis Legal in North Korea, Writer Says -- International Business Times

Cannabis is reportedly legal in North Korea as Kim Jong-un does not consider it to be a drug and grocery bags full of it can be bought in markets.

Writer Darmon Richter said he purchased a plastic bag full of weed in an indoor market in North Korea and smoked it in outdoor parks, restaurants and bars.

Richter's minder told him that marijuana was legal in North Korea and that he smoked the drug himself. The writer took several pictures of his purchase showing the drug in a bag, and rolled joints inside a restaurant.

Posting on his blog, he wrote: "So as it turns out, growing and smoking cannabis is completely legal in North Korea. Encouraged, even."

Read more ....

My Comment: He did go to school in Switzerland for a few years .... and many in Switzerland have been (and are) pot smokers. So who knows what he was learning when he was there.

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