Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Is The U.S. Responsible For Today's Terrorism In Iraq?

Baghdad's Burning… And It's (Kind of) Our Fault -- Yochi Dreazen, Foreign Policy

What Iraq's implosion can teach us about Afghanistan's future.

Two years after the last American combat troops left Iraq, the country is in flames. The violence raging there poses a serious policy challenge for the Obama administration -- and offers a cautionary tale of what could happen in Afghanistan if all American troops are withdrawn from that country as well.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki visits Washington this week to plead for American help in his fight against the Islamist militants who have killed more than 5,000 Iraqis since the start of the year, including roughly 600 this month alone. On Sunday, a spate of car bombings killed at least 60 Iraqi civilians and security personnel, pushing this year's death toll to levels not seen since the height of the country's civil war.

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My Comment: It is easy to blame the U.S. for everything .... but .... the Iraqis themselves made it very clear two years ago that they were more than capable to rule Iraq and handle it's security when they told President Obama to withdraw all U.S. forces. Thousands of killings later .... I guess they are now realizing that they made a mistake. As to the question .... will Karzia make the same mistake in Afghanistan? My betting is that he will repeat the same mistake that Maliki did for Iraq .... and will live to regret it.

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