Monday, October 28, 2013

Israel Attacks Two Rocket Launchpads Used In Firing Missiles INto Israel

Israel, Responding To Cross-Border Rocket Fire, Strikes Two Launching Pads Inside Gaza Strip -- Washington Post

JERUSALEM — Two missiles were fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel early Monday, and the Israeli air force retaliated by attacking two clandestine rocket launchpads north of Gaza City.

The exchange was the latest interruption to a period of relative calm, following the firing of two mortars at Israel from inside Gaza on Sunday and the discovery earlier this month of what Israelis call a “terror tunnel” that led from the Palestinian territory into the Jewish state.

No damage or injuries were reported in Israel as a result of the rockets fired from Gaza on Monday. One missile was intercepted by Israel’s U.S.-funded Iron Dome missile defense system above the coastal city of Ashkelon. The other rocket landed in an uninhabited patch of ground nearby.

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More News On Today's Cross-Border Rocket Fire Between Israel And Gaza

IAF strikes underground rocket launchers in Gaza following rocket attacks on Israel -- Jerusalem Post
Gaza rockets spark Israel raid on eve of prisoner deal -- Global Post/AFP
IAF attacks Gaza targets in response to rocket fire on south Israel -- Haaretz
Military: Israeli airstrike takes out underground launcher in Gaza -- UPI
Israeli military claims direct hits with Gaza Strip strikes -- Washington Times
Israel Intercepts Rocket Fired From Gaza -- US News and World Report
Israel shoots down rockets fired from Gaza: military -- NBC
Israel shoots down Gaza rocket, readies prisoner release -- Reuters

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